Housing Program


  • Addresses and acts upon all housing issues and related requests  
  • Ensures that housing issues are effectively managed

Offers the following services: 

  • Provides recommendations and changes to the housing policy 
  • Receives and reviews applications for renovations, new housing units, housing loans and housing renovation loans 
  • Reviews rents to ensure payments are made 
  • Arranges inspections of rental units and community houses for maintenance, repairs and renovations 
  • Carries out annual maintenance and repairs on behalf of tenants 
  • Maintains a comprehensive database on all community housing units that includes information such as what programs were accessed for building and repairs, loans outstanding, services (water, sewer, roads) available, inspection reports, condition of unit, year it was built and other unit particulars 
  • Enforces all tenant agreements and explains agreement responsibilities

Also responsible for: 

  • Providing assistance in the long-term planning of minor/major capital projects 
  • Development and maintenance of all documents and forms related to housing including leases, releases and notices

Mon-Fri 9 am-12 noon, 1 pm-5 pm
Members of North Caribou Lake First Nation
Office Phone: 807-469-5191
Fax: 807-469-1315
E-Mail: northcariboulakefirstnation@knet.ca
Primary Executive: Gary Benson, Housing Manager
Alternate Executive: Jacqueline Crane, Band Administrator
Mailing Address: c/o Housing Program 
PO Box 158 
Weagamow Lake, ON P0V 2Y0

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